Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mmmmmmmm... pineapple!

Andy did have a new first today – pineapple pieces. He’s had pineapple in a fruit cereal before, but today I gave him small chunks to eat and he loved it! He didn’t have much, but he did down the small amount I gave him. He wants to eat our food, but I tried to give him 8-month old fruits and veggies, but the pieces are too big and they make him gag.

Andy's 8 month picture with the bear!

Friday, February 27, 2009

So far, so good...

Andy did good last night. He got up once and I fed him. Unfortunately, it was a long process, so I was up for an hour, but Andy was only up the once, so that was good. And he was really sleepy again all day today – lots of little naps, and he wasn’t awake for longer than 90 at all today. No fever, and no adverse reaction to the shots so far.

Well it looks like Andy is reacting just fine to the immunization shots. He is so happy today! And he has a huge appetite! He wasn’t really eating well for the last few days, and he has been pretty cranky (we thought he might be teething and he is fighting a cold), but so far we haven’t had to give him too much Tylenol or anything today.

Andy had only 1 dose of Tylenol today, and no other drugs.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Round 2 of immunization shots...

Andy got his 2nd set of immunization shots today. He did much better than last time. We were forced to wait 2 hours from the time we got there until the time we left after the shots, and Andy was hungry and very tired, so he did really well in spite of all that.

The nurses name was Mary this time, and there was a nurse-in-training as well. Andy cried hard after his shots and in between them as well, but he calmed down quickly afterwards, drank a whole bottle, and fell asleep in the car on the way home. And he has been happy and very sleep all day. A nice change after what happened last time!

We got the full shot, including the pertussis, so we will be watching Andy carefully to make sure he doesn’t have a bad reaction like he did last time.

While at the Health Clinic, I weighed and measured Andy. He is 21lbs, and 27.75” long.

OK, so maybe he is reacting a bit. He had a good 30-minute scream-fest this evening, but then I gave him Camilia, and he had a good nap after that.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Andy's favorite foods right now are sweet potatoes with turkey, creamed corn, and green beans. He isn't a big fruit fan.

Selling all Andy's too-small clothes...

If anyone is interested, I am selling all the boys too-small clothes, That is everything from NB - 12 months (5lbs - 20lbs).

I have pictures of it all, and a lot are on my blog,and it is all on Craig's List too. And I can email them to you if you are interested. I have HUNDREDS of items, and I am selling it all for very cheap - no more kids for us!


Saturday, February 14, 2009