Thursday, April 23, 2009

6 teeth!

Andys 6th tooth came in! Finally! Tonight was a rough one for him, the poor little guy!


He says Mama! Yay! And he knows it is me! Woo hoo!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

my water baby!

Andy LOVES water! He loves the bath, he loves washing his hands, he loves to go swimming, and now I can say that he loves to play in a big bowl of water at Grandma's house!

It started with Owen playing with his boats in the water, and then turned into a bath/pool party with Andy eventually dumping bowl after bowl after bowl of water onto the deck. They both had such a great time, and I got some awesome pictures!

Ok Mom, no more pictures!

Andy and I went for a walk down at the river today (under the Agassiz bridge and it was a lovely day, but enough was enough after a while, and Andy wanted to go home. 

Friday, April 17, 2009

Andy's new teeth!

Andy has top teeth, but you can never see them unless you do 'squishy face'. So here you can see his top 2 teeth, and the 2 beside them that will (hopefully) come through very soon!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

bath time!

Our library visit

Yesterday we all went to the library to see the ducks and get a few new books. 

5 teeth!

I saw another tooth today – Andy now has 5! It is the one next to the top two on his left (right side if you are looking at him).

I gave Andy a full cheese string to munch on this morning. He loved it! He really likes being in control of what he eats, and he eats little more than finger foods these days. He didn’t come close to choking, and when he had bitten off too much, he simply spit it out. Way to go Andy – I am SO proud of you! He was pretty proud of himself too! ☺