Friday, August 29, 2008

Andy's 1st ambulance ride and Hospital visit

Last night was brutal. Bru-tal! Andy had his last feed at 10:50 last night – I wanted him to eat late so he would sleep in late, like normal. But he was up at 2. I put his soother back in 3 times before getting up to feed him at 2:25am. He ate 6oz and was up for the full hour and then never seemed to be himself again for the rest of the day. He was up pretty much all night crying and screaming, not really wanting his soother or a bottle. We fed him another 2oz at 5am and then he screamed until another small feed (1.5oz) at 7:40am.

He cried all day long with small naps and a few 10-25 minutes of happiness throughout the day. But mostly he cried and screamed all day long. He ate 1oz at 1pm and 1 oz at 2:20pm. We attempted to feed him multiple times until Gabe took him to the clinic at 7:30pm. They were closed so he went to the Hospital but the line up was really long so he came home. We have Andy 1ml of Tylenol every 4 hours or so (5 times in total).

But after 4 or 5 hours of constant screaming, Gabe called the Health Clinic. Andy had been doing this weird hiccup sounding thing that seemed to be worse when he cried, and when he attempted to drink. It seemed like he was having trouble breathing and swallowing. The BC Health Nurses Line nurse said it sounded like he was having seizures and that we should call 911. So we did and I rode with Andy to the Hospital in the ambulance as Gabe followed in the car behind us. Elia stayed home with Owen. And of course, Andy stopped crying just before the paramedics got to the house and almost didn't complain, cry, or hiccup at all since then. He did have a few of the weird hiccup things in the ambulance though and the paramedics said it sounded like he was struggling to breathe.

Once at the Hospital we were seen to right away. We told our story to 4 nurses and 2 Doctors. Andy had a poop there and seemed to be better once he did that. We did attempt to feed Andy a bottle there, twice, and he refused to eat the first time,but at 11:30pm he ate 1oz. He had a good crying fit and the Doctors listened to his heart and lungs. They checked his ears, throat, back, chest, and checked his heart rate and circulation. They figure Andy is just having a bad reaction to the immunization shots he got yesterday but that it isn't an infection or allergic reaction. We attempted to feed him one last time but Andy didn't eat. We went home just before midnight and on the way out (this part kills me), Andy smiled at the Nurses. Why didn't he just say “My parents are idiots. They over reacted.”

I even said to Gabe while we were there “I'm glad Andy is feeling better, but I wish he cried a bit just to show the Doctors why we are here.”

He seems to be acting normal now (it is 12:30am) and I hope he eats a bit more and then sleeps. He hardly slept all day so I am hoping he'll sleep through the night. Today was brutal for me and I need a good sleep just as much as Andy does.


Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

Wow, I've never heard of such a horrible reaction to imunizations! Poor guy (and his family!) What will you do for his next immunizations? So scary! I'm glad things are better and hopefully he will eat a lot and then sleep for the rest of the day. Do you have someone to watch Owen? I'll be at the hospital with my Dad all morning but I'm probably home this afternoon so if you need me to help, call me!

Rhiannon Gascoigne said...

Oh no!!! Okay now I don't feel so bad about planning not to immunize my kids till age 5. Theo was bad but not that bad. He wasn't himself for a day and we had him on Tylenol but nothing like that. You poor guys!! I'd be hysterical!! Anyway I'm glad he seems to be better. I hope you get some sleep!

Matthew Francis said...

What a scare! Know that we are praying for all of you guys, especially little Andy these days. May you get some decent rest soon! Just wondering did that medicine work at all?

We are so looking forward to seeing you guys in just three weeks!

All our love,

Matthew, Krista and Basil

Baby2 said...

Thanks everyone! Andy did sleep over 8 hours last night and has so far been great this morning, so hopefully it is all over!

The Dr's did say that the 2nd set of immunizations are the worst. So I'll book them when I can have help for the next 2 days (from my Mom or Gabe) just in case!

TStettler said...

Funny, before I even got to the end of the story, I was already guessing if it was vaccinations that did it. Especially when you mentioned he wasn't himself... how scarry is that. It made me look up a few things online regarding the subject. One site I'm going to look into further, and you might want to check out is:
Hmmm, got some reading to do! Hope everything's back to "normal" for you guys!!